
Thanks for stopping by to check out Fintech Fundamentals!

We launched this blog in May 2022 as an outlet to write about our own efforts to better understand the fintech ecosystem. As investors at Nyca Partners, we’ve spent years trying to understand the labyrinth of legacy technology, processes, and institutional norms that underlies much of financial services. And yet, we still often find ourselves going down rabbit holes to answer fundamental, “fintech for dummies” type questions about how some particular component of fintech works under the hood.

With this blog, we hope to share what we learn in those deep dives with fellow fintech nerds, the “fintech curious,” and anyone else interested. We’ll write about topics across payments, credit, insurtech, crypto and other areas of fintech, with a core mission to explain the fundamentals of fintech from first principles.

We hope you enjoy!

Max and the Nyca team

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Unpacking fintech from the ground up


I'm a VC investor at Nyca Partners trying to understand the existing financial ecosystem and how fintech entrepreneurs are disrupting it. I previously spent several years working in economics research and data science.